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The Day Mommy And Daddy Became As One

June 16, 1965 is the day, Mommy and Daddy got married and became as one. Happy Anniversary. God put you two together. #BuiltForMusic. I love and miss you both. #MyFavoriteTwoPpl. #MyMusicInfluences #MyRoleModels #My1

One of my Throwback Basketball Games

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Throwback photos of one of my basketball games. I love to compete. #ownedthepaint #turnaroundjumper #30pts #insideshooter #outsideshooter #reboundputback #rebounder #ownedtheboards #shockblocker #averaged15rebounds #26reboundssinglegame #imadethenews #sportspage #justabouteveryweek #skills #natural #allaroundtalent #thankful #blessed @thisauntie #iteachsports #itrain #kids #youth #teens #youngadults #adults

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